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Palafolls Public Library Workshop

Workshop in collaboration between the Enric Miralles Foundation and The Spitzer School of Architecture at City College of New York.
Starts on 19/06/2024 End on 28/07/2023

The main objective was to design a new auditorium for the Palafolls Public Library and a new relationship between the building as an architectural body, the place and its culture.

The students had to explore contemporary solutions for extending the building to the outside, an auditorium that could reinterpret the existing context, its history
and architecture.
The Palafolls Library, therefore, represents the starting point, a device that speaks a certain language, which gives a specific scale, materiality and background.
The proposals should capture the way in which students recognize the essence of the existing architecture and culture in the territory. The result should be both interesting and complex, incorporating the urban conditions and history of the city.


Academic Institution


Benedetta Tagliabue, Fabian Llonch


Fabian Llonch

Teaching Assistance

Nil Corominas


Fabian Llonch, Ilia Celiento, Ignacio Candel
Fundació Enric Miralles