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Fundació Enric Miralles (hereinafter the FOUNDATION) warns the user that “” (hereinafter the Web) uses own and third party cookies in compliance with the provisions of Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE).cookies are small data files that are installed on the user’s computer and allow the user himself to store the information generated by his activity on the network. Cookies allow a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a user or your computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to recognize the user.

This website uses the following cookies:

Classified by ownership:

  • Own cookies: sent and managed directly by the FOUNDATION.
  • Third-party cookies: sent and managed by a third party external to the FOUNDATION, anonymously, in order to carry out statistical studies of navigation on the FOUNDATION’s web pages.

Classified by purpose:

  • Technical and/or personalization cookies: they facilitate navigation by identifying the session, allowing access to restricted access tools, as well as customizing the available options. They make it possible to provide the service previously requested by the user.
  • Cookies analysis and / or advertising: allow to know the number of visits received in the different sections of the Web, habits and trends of its users and, consequently, to improve navigation and the service offered by the entity (mainly Google Analytics), as well as manage advertising spaces included in the Web visited by the user. It collects data anonymously in order to obtain user browsing profiles.

Classified by duration:

  • Session cookies: collect and store data while the user accesses the Web.
  • Persistent cookies: they collect and store data in the user’s terminal for a variable period of time depending on the purpose for which they have been used.

The time of conservation of cookies will depend on the type of cookie in question and will always be the minimum necessary to fulfill its purpose.

Cookie management

In any case, the user has the possibility to configure his panel to manage the installation of cookies and to prevent their installation on his computer.


However, even if you have disabled all cookies, your web browser collects certain information essential to the basic operation of the Web.

Cookies can also be blocked or disabled using your browser’s configuration tools. The browser allows you to refuse the installation of all cookies, or to choose to refuse only some of them.
Please refer to your browser’s instructions and manuals for more information:

  • If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, under the Tools menu option, select Internet Options and go to Privacy.
  • If you use Firefox for Mac in the Preferences menu option, selecting Privacy, accessing the Show Cookies section, and for Windows in the Tools menu option, selecting Options, accessing Privacy and then Use custom settings for history.
  • If you are using Safari, in the Preferences menu option, select Privacy.
  • If you use Google Chrome, in the Tools menu option, selecting Options (Preferences on Mac), accessing Advanced and then in the Content Settings option in the Privacy section, and finally checking Cookies in the Content Settings dialog.

You may – at any time – deactivate Google Analytics cookies, using the Google Analytics opt-out system accessible at
Finally, we inform you that you have the possibility to revoke at any time the consent given for the use of cookies, by configuring your browser or control panel in the terms provided in the previous point.

Fundació Enric Miralles