The five-day workshop provides the tools to learn the EMBT Miralles Tagliabue method, inviting students to participate in the most fundamental part of project development: the study of the site through their own eyes.
For Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue, studying and representing the site is already considered part of the architectural design process.
A four-week intensive architectural design studio will take place in the city of Barcelona, Spain, during the summer of 2024. This program was created by Professor Llonch in 2002 for SSA CCNY Students and partially funded (in perpetuity) by David Werber, an alumnus of the school. The goal is to engage a group of 15 students from the Spitzer School of Architecture CCNY in a concentrated architectural experience while taking a clear approach to interacting with the City of Barcelona, its unique architecture, people, and culture.
A meeting organized by the Enric Miralles Foundation and the Contemporary Architecture Foundation to debate and discuss the need for a plan to protect modern and contemporary architectural heritage. Inauguration of an exhibition of archival material from the Fundació Enric Miralles.