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You are visiting the website “” (hereinafter the Website) owned by Fundació Enric Miralles (hereinafter THE FOUNDATION).

In compliance with art. 20.2 of Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following identification data will be provided:

– Holder: Enric Miralles Foundation

– Address: Passatge de la Pau, 10bis – 08002 Barcelona

– Contact:

– Phone: 936 241 702

– CIF: G65541229

Identification code in the Registre de grups d’interès de Catalunya: 3829.


These Terms of Use regulate the access and use of the Website that THE FOUNDATION makes available to Internet users. Access to it implies unreserved acceptance of these Terms of Use.

THE FOUNDATION may offer through the Website, services that may be subject to particular conditions, about which the User will be informed in each specific case.

THE FOUNDATION reserves the right to develop or update at any time the Terms of Use of the Website, so the user should read them periodically.


No prior subscription or registration as a User is required to access and use the Website, notwithstanding that for the use of certain services or contents of the same THE FOUNDATION may require such subscription or registration.


The User agrees to use the Web, contents and services in accordance with the Law, these Terms of Use, good customs and public order. Similarly, the User agrees not to use the Web, its contents or the services provided through it, for purposes or effects that are unlawful or contrary to the content of these Terms of Use, harmful to the interests or rights of others, or in any way damage, disable, render inaccessible or impair the Web, its contents or services or prevent normal enjoyment of the same by other Users.

Likewise, the User expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, render useless or in any other way damage the data, programs or electronic documents found on the Web.

The User undertakes not to hinder the access of other Users by means of massive consumption of the computer resources through which THE FOUNDATION provides the service, or to introduce programs, viruses, or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of THE FOUNDATION or third parties.


Part of the Web may host advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the Web complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case.

The FOUNDATION shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or irregularities that may be included in advertising or sponsor content. In any case, to lodge any complaint related to the advertising content inserted in this website, please contact the following e-mail address:


The present Terms of Use refer only to the Website and contents of THE FOUNDATION, and do not apply to links or third party websites accessible through the Website.

As the destinations of such links are not under the control of THE FOUNDATION, THE FOUNDATION is not responsible for the content of any linked website, nor for any link contained in a website reached from THE FOUNDATION’s website, nor for any changes or updates to such websites.


All contents of the Website, unless otherwise indicated, are the exclusive property of THE FOUNDATION, including but not limited to the graphic design, logos, texts, illustrations, photographic works, photographs, images, videos, graphic material, source code, and other artistic, creative and/or technical elements that appear on the Website.

Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the Web are protected by law.

THE FOUNDATION does not grant any type of license or authorization of personal or commercial use directly or indirectly to the User on its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other right related to its Website and the services offered therein.

Therefore, the User acknowledges that the fixation, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, transformation, public communication and, in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this Website may constitute an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of THE FOUNDATION or of the owner thereof.


THE FOUNDATION offers Users the possibility of entering comments and/or submitting photographs to be included in the corresponding sections, as well as participating in discussion forums and holding conversations with other users. The publication of comments and/or photographs is subject to these Terms of Use.

The person identified in each case as the one who has made the comments and/or sent the graphic material (images, illustrations, photographic works, photographs, etc.) is responsible for them. The comments and/or selection of artwork do not reflect the opinion of THE FOUNDATION, nor does THE FOUNDATION make any representations or comments in this regard.

THE FOUNDATION shall not be liable, except in those cases where it is required by law, for any errors, inaccuracies or irregularities that may be contained in the comments and/or graphic material inserted, as well as for any damages that may be caused by their insertion in the Forum or in the other sections of the Website that allow this type of services and content.

The User supplying the text and/or graphic material (illustrations, photographic works, photographs, images, etc.) grants THE FOUNDATION the rights for their reproduction, distribution, public communication and any type of activity on them, both in electronic, digital and paper format, as well as in any other type of tangible or intangible support for the use of insertion, making available to the public and public communication of the text and/or graphic material on the Website, so that other Users may access them.

The supplying User declares to be the holder of the Rights over the texts and/or graphic material or, if applicable, guarantees that he/she has the necessary Rights and authorizations from the author or owner of the text and/or graphic material, for its use by THE FOUNDATION through the Website.

THE FOUNDATION shall not be held responsible, except for those ends required by law, for damages that may be caused by the use, reproduction, distribution or public communication or any type of activity carried out on the texts and/or graphic material that are protected by intellectual property or image rights belonging to third parties, without the User having previously obtained from their owners the necessary authorization to carry out the use that he/she is carrying out or intends to carry out.

Likewise, THE FOUNDATION reserves the right to unilaterally remove comments and/or graphic material hosted in any section of the Website, when there are indications that the comments and/or graphic material infringe the Law or violate the rights of third parties, or are used for advertising purposes (spam), as well as when THE FOUNDATION deems appropriate.

THE FOUNDATION will not be responsible for the information sent by the User when it does not have effective knowledge that the information stored is illicit or that it injures property or rights of a third party susceptible to compensation. As soon as THE FOUNDATION becomes aware that it is hosting data such as the aforementioned, it undertakes to act diligently to remove them or make it impossible to access them.

On the other hand, THE FOUNDATION undertakes not to use or transfer to third parties the text and/or graphic material supplied by the user for purposes other than publication on its website. For any other use, the FOUNDATION must inform the user and, if necessary, request the appropriate authorization.

In any case, to lodge any claim related to the contents inserted in any of the sections, you can do so by contacting the following e-mail address:


The user may join the Channels that THE FOUNDATION has in different social networks, as well as in its own virtual Community described in the previous section, in order to share information, comments of any kind and contact other users of the Group.

The user who becomes a member of the Channel accepts the terms of use and privacy policy of the corresponding social network.


Through this Web site personal data are collected from users, so we ask that the user of the same carefully read our Privacy Policy.

Likewise, we inform you that THE FOUNDATION uses cookies to collect user information and records the IP addresses of access, so we also ask that the user carefully read our Cookies Policy.

The User is informed that, in any case, the personal data collected through this website will be treated in compliance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data and the applicable Spanish legislation and for the purposes indicated in the aforementioned Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.


THE FOUNDATION captures and records the ID of the devices from which visitors to the Website access the Website and assigns each such device a unique identifier based on fingerprint browser technology.

In this sense, the information obtained as a result of the use of the aforementioned unique identifier will be incorporated into a file owned by the Company FOUNDATION, and will be treated in accordance with the privacy policy of the Web.


This site uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that are generated in the user’s computer and allow us to know the following information:

The date and time of the last time the user visited our website.

The selection of contents that the user chose in his last visit to the Web.

Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas.

The User has the option to prevent the generation of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in his or her browser program.

If you would like to learn more about how this website uses cookies, please read the cookie policy.


The relationship between THE FOUNDATION and the User shall be governed by current Spanish legislation and any dispute shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona, expressly waiving any other forum.

THE FOUNDATION will pursue the breach of these Terms of Use, as well as any improper use of the Website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it and are in Law.

Fundació Enric Miralles